Worship & Music Committee 


The Worship & Music Committee is a sub-committee of the Church Board.  It consists of Worship & Music Leader or Chairperson, Pastors, Adventist Youth Leader, Children’s Choir Director, Youth & Sanctuary Choir Director, Music Ministries Coordinator and Head Deacon.


1. Works closely with the Pastors and members of the committee in determining appropriate music and worship style in the church, Sabbath School Divisions, etc. 

2. Works with the Music Ministries Coordinator in the selection of performing groups for our worship services..

3.  Unites the Pastors and Choir Directors to coordinate music with sermon titles as much as possible.

4.  Creates a master music calendar for the year – utilizing talent within as much as possible – choirs, solos, duets, trios, mixed groups, orchestra, children, youth, young adults, (young and old), etc. – balance our selection.

5.Prepares request to Board for paid musical groups

6. Works with Risk Management to make sure we are in compliance with Fire & Safety regulations

7.  Approves small music and worship related projects – minor repairs, preventative maintenance, etc.

8.  Works with the computer personnel to get music on the screen for congregational singing

9.  Protect our church property, whether it is music, furniture, supplies, etc. with some form of identification.