School Board Member



Duties of the School Board:


1. The local school board cooperates with the conference board of education, in counsel with the superintendent of schools, in the employment of certified teaching and administrative personnel. The local conference board of education, K-12 is the employer of administrative and instructional personnel. The local school board employs outright "classified" personnel, such as secretaries, custodians, and bus drivers, and appoints with conference approval substitute teachers, teacher aides and part-time teachers.


2. The board has a duty to implement the policies and plans of the union and local conference offices of education.


3. The board may develop policies in areas of local concern such as, use of school property, bus schedules and routes, purchasing procedures, tuition and other methods of funding, admission requirements (in accordance with conference and state or provincial guidelines), equipment and maintenance of the school physical plant, textbook purchases, master planning, curriculum development (beyond what is required by union and local conference policies).


4. The board advises and supports the principal or head teacher in the administration of the school program, including the implementation of school board decisions.


5. In elementary schools and junior academies the board considers recommendations of the principal or head teacher in serious disciplinary cases. The school board determines the dismissal of students in consultation with the principal.


6. The board supports a Home and School Association.


7. Official minutes must be kept of each meeting of the school board and its subcommittees, and a copy filed with the local conference office of education.


8. To consider appeals and answer questions regarding the operation of the school.


9. To participate in the process of school evaluation as scheduled by the conference office of education or regional accrediting agencies.


10. To cooperate with the conference office of education in providing released time for in-service education and teachers' conventions.


11. To consider, in counsel with the superintendent of schools, a proposed plan of school organization including a constitution and bylaws.


12. To implement the recommended conference-wide school calendar. Any modification or contemplated change must receive prior approval from the conference office of education.